15/10/2022 | Begivenheder
Swarming Se7ens V for Victory
Swarming Se7ens is Copenhagen Ladybug’ annual Roller Derby Tournament. This year is the fifth iteration.
The teams
Swarming Se7ens is full weekend of roller derby bringing you teams from United Arabic Emirates, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark: Four OTA teams, Four WFTDA teams and Four Junior teams in glorious Sevens games.
Adults kr 25,-
Kids under 12 years free admittance
Kids under 12 years free admittance
Beer and after party
There will be sale of beer from the local SPYBREW and other refreshments.
After party at the venue until 22.30PM
Roller derby is a fast paced contact sport on quad skates.
Why is it called Se7ens? The sevens concept is very simple: 7 players, 21 minutes, no breaks or time outs and 4 penalties means fawl out. It’s is, in other words, a faster and more intense way to play roller derby.